Media Packing & Shipping Instructions

- ESD (Electrostatic Discharge), often called “static electricity”, is the shock we receive after walking across a carpet. In a technical environment, ESD can be very costly by harming devices or components. ESD may cause a catastrophic failure that appears immediately or a latent failure in which gradual degradation occurs during use, resulting in eventual failure.Before moving a computer, hard drive, or other component, discharge personal static build up by touching a grounded metal object, such as a plugged-in computer chassis.
- Handle a hard disk drive as you would handle an egg. Handle failed hard disk drives with the same care as new drives.
Packing Instructions
- Use the original shipping materials, if you still have them. If not, they are relatively easy to replicate.
- Wrap media in an anti-static bag or similar material to prevent ESD. Use a box that is at least twice the size of the media so that the media can be suspended in the middle of the box. We recommend a minimum of two inches of insulation all around for a 2 lb drive. Pack securely with foam, bubble wrap, or newspaper so the media will not move from the middle of the box.
- Avoid using packing peanuts as contents will settle to the bottom of the box.
- If sending a computer, laptop, or notebook, use great care to ensure proper cushioning and protection. We recommend at least 6 inches of insulation. The heavier the unit, the more insulation is required.
- Make sure the package is clearly labeled as FRAGILE and don’t forget to include the completed and signed evaluation request form.
Shipping Instructions
- Please print out the label after you submit the case online and attach it to the box, or you can use any other courier to generate a label using the address you chose when submitting the case.
- If you dont use our case generator label, please write the case number on the box.